Our Products
Tile Setting

A pre-blended basic thin set mortar with sand and additives. It is excellent for common building surfaces such as ceramic, mosaics, pavers and quarry tile. Meets and exceeds ANSI A118.1

Unsanded Thin Set
A non sanded thin set mortar for setting absorptive, semi-vitreous and vitreous ceramic tile. Ideal where a smooth or thinner finish is required. Meets and exceeds ANSI A118.1.

Polymer modified thin set mortar with high bond strength. Adheres to most surfaces and tile types. Suitable for floors and walls in interiors and exteriors. Meets and exceeds ANSI A118.4 and A118.11

Polymer modified thin-set mortar with extreme bond strength. Adheres to most surfaces and tile types. Ideal for interiors, exteriors and floors and walls. Meets and exceeds ANSI A118.4 and A118.11

Extrabond LFT
A polymer modified medium bed mortar specifically formulated for the installation of large format tiles. Offers extreme bond strength for most types of tiles and surfaces. Meets and exceeds ANSI A118.4 and A118.11

A polymer modified, lightweight tile mortar that can be used as a thin set or medium bed mortar. Offers extreme bond strength. A 30 lb bag covers the same area as a 50 lb bag of traditional mortar. Exceeds ANSI A118.4, A118.11, and A118.15.

Easy Set
A no-mix, ready-to-use tile adhesive for ceramic tile, stone, marble, granite, and porcelain tile (one side no larger than 15"). Meets and exceeds ANSI A136.1 Type 1.

Sanded Multicolor Grout
Sanded, cement-based grout with high-performance polymers for joints from 1/8" to 5/8". Meets ANSI A118.6.

Unsanded Multicolor Grout
Unsanded, cement-based grout with high-performance polymers for joints up to 1/8". Meets ANSI A118.6.

Easy Grout
A no-mix, ready-to-use tile grout for joints from 1/16" to 1/2".

Mortar Mix
A blend of cement and classified sands for general non structural jobs. Ideal for thick bed underlayments and setting of blocks and bricks. Type N Mortar.

Pre Blended Mortar Type S
A blend of cement and classified sands for general structural and non structural jobs. Ideal for setting blocks and bricks, tuck-pointing, finish coat stucco and thick bed underlayments. Type S Mortar.

Pre Blended Mortar Type M
A blend of cement and classified sands for general structural and non structural jobs. Ideal for setting blocks, bricks, tuck-pointing, finish coat stucco and thick bed underlayments. Type M Mortar.
Surface Preparation

TS Additive
An additive that improves the performance and bond strength of non-modified thin set mortars. Ideal for use with Atria Standard. Meets ANSI A118.4 when used.

Bond Max
A latex additive that can be applied as a primer on surfaces to improve the bonding of cementitious materials to the surface.

TS Accelerator
Accelerates the setting time of dry set mortars while improving the bond strenght. Meets ANSI A118.4 when used with Atria Standard Thin-set.
Building Materials

Fine Sand
General purpose fine sand that can be used for landscaping, base and joint material for pavers and stepping stones, adding traction to snowy or icy pavements and when mixed with Portland Cement to obtain: Mortar mixes, stucco, base coats, concrete (add gravel).

Coarse Sand
A well graded sand specifically designed for mortar mixes, stucco, base coats, concrete (add gravel).

Portland Cement
It can be mixed with sand and gravel for many structural and repair projects that require a clean and light color finish.

Grey Portland Cement
It can be mixed with sand and gravel for many structural and repair projects.